Soul Sucked

Yesterday I wasted my life.

I spent about 10 hours binge watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine. It’s a show of comedy. It made me laugh out loud – LOL – that was fun. It made me feel good. Drew me in. Not bad.

But right around the 6th hour I hit a wall. “Man, I should really do something. Read. Pray. Write. Something.”

I moved lazily from my perch on the couch, mumbling to my roommate, something of the intention to go read. Progress. At least I was moving. Or, the road to hell is paved with good intentions?

I made it up to my room. Took a shower. Opened my laptop to check email real quick. And then, almost without thinking, Hulu popped up in my browser.

“Eh,” I said to myself. “My eyes are too tired to read.”

Today, I woke up soul sucked. What’s that thing about everything in moderation? Oh yeah. It’s supposed to be healthy.

Freedom. Expression. Love. Life words…

Yesterday, I allowed myself, albeit offered my wrists up in surrender, to be hog tied and bound, to someone else’s creativity in flat screen form. Yesterday, I found no one to love, least of all myself.

Life words. The words I lean into because they bring me more of the life I want to write, to read, to live.

Life words. Not just words for my life…words that give me life.

Let’s try again today.

Written By

New Yorker, photographer, blogger, and life time dreamer.