Acting Out

I LOVE background acting. Some people have been asking me what in the world I am doing now with my life, now that I quit my stable office job and spent the last year traveling the world – having adventures. What does one do after that?

Well, I’ll tell you. I am still following those three life words. Freedom, Expression, and Love. I am leaning into those each day and seeing where it takes me.

When I returned to the States I remembered a former passion of mine. Acting. In fact when I moved to the bright and bustling city of NYC ages ago, I thought I would continue acting. And then, life happened.

You know, where you have good intentions of continuing that great passion (whatever it is)…and then…LIFE. That’s what we call it when we get distracted by: fear, responsibilities, money, self-doubt, excuses, busy schedules, the list goes on and on. Suddenly you wake up and you realize that the good intentions are buried so deep you don’t even remember what they were anymore. Sometimes you forget who you are.

Well, I am doing some BACKGROUND acting now, and I tell you, I love it. I highlight the word background because I want you to understand that fame and fortune are far removed from that word. That’s ok, because fame and fortune are not my life words. You will not currently see me in the forefront of any Sunday night show. But, if you look closely you might catch a glimpse of a girl who is happy. Happy because she is living closer to what is important to her.

Freedom. To be a different character each day and to plan my own schedule. Freedom to pick up and travel when opportunity presents itself. Freedom to explore new historical buildings and underground hideaways that I would never have had access to on my own. Freedom to express myself daily. Spontaneity in each day, a new place, new people, and new objectives. Variety is the spice of my life.

Expression. Being who I am and was made to be. To have a new adventure on the set of a new show every day and to find an excuse to play “pretend” as an adult. Being a character within a “story-telling” atmosphere is fantastic! To take part in creating a story for others to enjoy.

Love. Meeting new people each day and having time for deep conversation, finding out what makes them tick and expressing with other creatives. Learning patience (which is part of love) on a daily basis in the “hurry up and wait” game that is a big part of the acting world. Peace (another part of love) that I am involved in something that meets me in who I am. Faith (you guessed it, another part of love) that I do not need to worry about tomorrow but instead to be faithful in who I am today.

Living out life words that bring life. What are your life words?

Written By

New Yorker, photographer, blogger, and life time dreamer.